BFBS Consultants Limited has earned its reputation for excellence in the field of security education and training. Your company, like many other commercial organisations, airlines, aviation authorities and government bodies in the UK and overseas, can benefit from the specialist courses delivered or facilitated by our consultants.

Our experienced staff are able to tailor, design, prepare and deliver security courses to your staff at all levels and experience. Our instructors cover a complete range of security subjects and disciplines embracing:

  • Aviation Security Courses
  • Security Awareness Education
  • Awareness Education/Briefings for High-Risk Overseas Deployment
  • Threat Awareness (Terrorism, Sabotage and Commercial Espionage) Education

‘For your VIP, Celebrity and other High-Risk Individuals and their staff, we can offer you specialist Surveillance, Counter-Surveillance and Threat Awareness Courses.

Our methodology combines proactive background research and classroom delivered security instruction with on site, hands on training. This is followed up by overt and/or covert testing to monitor and assess the security standards in place which enables us to give you straight forward and highly effective recommendations for any remedial action that may be necessary.